Where are you receiving in your life? What fills you up, nurtures you and makes you feel like a bubbling cauldron of energy that you just have to offer some energy back out into the world? The law of the universe is to give without expectation and we will receive an abundance of whatever it is we need. But this cycle only flows if we are also open to the receiving part of the cycle. And then aware of what constitutes the giving component. Tonight's yoga class we will dive into this through our practice. Hanuman is such a beautiful teacher in this- his devotion to RAM the consistent divine in our lives, teaches us that this loyalty will fill us up beyond belief! 5.30-7 @yogapeace mullumbimby Tuesday nights. Blessings. #yogaeverydamnday #yogini #yoga #devotion #service #hanuman #universalenergy #service #peacestupa @crystalcastlebyronbay