Sound healing facilitation training

This upcoming training is still being birthed. Seriya and Matty will soon be offering an opportunity to learn how to hold space through Sound Healing meditation. Seriya and Matty bring a wealth of experience with sound therapy and training others in how to hold space in this way.
This will be launched in 2019. Contact us if you would like to be updated when this will be released.
Shamanic training 2018

My beautiful, wild, raw and deeply wise shamanic teacher is coming to Byron to run a Shamanic training. Her name is Kerry Henwood. She is based in the US, but has learnt from studying the shamanic ways of the North American, Peruvian, African and Central American teachers. Training with her has been so powerful in learning tools and techniques for my own journeying, and then to help in developing the skills to take others on journeys too.
2018 is her last offering of the trainings are she moves into other parts of her work and gifts the trainings over to her apprentices. Make the most of sitting with an incredible wise elder...
Here is the info if you are interested in booking in for the training-contact me!
2018 is her last offering of the trainings are she moves into other parts of her work and gifts the trainings over to her apprentices. Make the most of sitting with an incredible wise elder...
Here is the info if you are interested in booking in for the training-contact me!

Hello Light beings
I am very excited to be offering Shamanic level 1 training this year on the Gold Coast. This course book out very fast so contact the organizers below get your deposit in and you got a seat on the shamanic express.
The Art of Soul Retrieval
There is a new spiritual wholeness emerging for all to integrate and embody…encouraging you to live freely from your authentic/true self, where divine guidance comes from within and where life expands into a playful place of infinite, creative possibilities. Make it your destiny to be your own teacher, your own prophet, and your own guiding light.
The Art of Soul Retrieval is a practitioner level course or non practitioners powerful tool you can use in your every day life.
Designed to teach you the ancient practice of shamanic journeying for the purpose of soul recovery, revelatory insight and spiritual wholeness. Shamanic journeying is an empowering technique that is available to anyone who has a genuine desire and intention to learn about the truth of other realities, dimensions, universes, divine realms and past/future lives. It requires that the practitioner be completely present and lucid so that the journey itself can be controlled and directed though focused intention.
During this 3 day training, you will learn how to:
- Conduct a Soul Retrieval
- Journey into the past to recover and integrate soul fragments that were lost, misplaced or given away
- Design your own Ceremony
- Experience the power of sacred ritual by learning the key ingredients you need in order to prepare your own ceremony
- Understand the Power of Healing Words and Songs
- Learn the meaning behind “A shaman without songs is like a person without air” and " May you walk in Beauty"
- Merge with each Element Recognize the pathways to communicating with the elemental kingdom
- Dreamwalk with the Group/Clan
- Use the empowering group energies to access guidance and wisdom from the animal and plant realms
- Work with Stones of Light
- Heal with crystals
- Disconnect from old stories from your past that no longer serve your highest good be present in the now.
- Strengthen your Connection to Source
- Open up to receiving divine guidance through the practice of deep listening
- Experience Transfiguration
- Embody your own immortal light
- Journey to your Descendants
- Make Shamanism Relevant for Modern Living
- Strengthen your connection to nature and the web of life through simple shamanic practices.
- Training will begin 2 weeks before the 3 day training with Kerry on line learning the art of shamanic journey work an important element to shamanism.
Spaces are limited. To reserve your space, a deposit non-refundable of $275 is necessary at the time of registration.
Cost: $630
Review : $400
Dates : Gold Coast October 12th, 13th and 14th of October 2018.
Contact Seriya Cutbush
See more information on Event Brite -
Cost: $630
Review : $400
Dates : Gold Coast October 12th, 13th and 14th of October 2018.
Contact Seriya Cutbush
See more information on Event Brite -
SHAMANIC training- LEVEL 2
Advanced Shamanic Practices ~ Into the Light Angelic Core Soul Shamanism - Level 2
During this advanced 3 day training, you will learn:
During this advanced 3 day training, you will learn:
- Extraction work: Treat problems that are negatively impacting the Body Mind. Remove harmful energies.
- Divination: Divination is not fortune telling. It is a way to a deeper understanding of events and influences. It is a integral part of shamanism, understanding why a person has become ill.
- Shamanic Dismemberment: The great liberation - setting yourself free. At its deepest level, the dismemberment experience dismantles our old identity. It is a powerful death and rebirth process. The experience of being stripped to the bone forces us to examine the bare essence of what we are."One thing that comes out in myths is that at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light"- Joseph Campbell.
- Shapeshifting: There are two types of shapeshifting; changing your light body in the astral to power animal, & changing your physical form on the earth plane into an animal. Very adept shamans are said to be able to change their physical human forms into that of animals. Let do it! Reconnect to your original elemental clan.
- Working with the Light Body: This will be taught by the ARC'S and what they have channeled to me. Heal Human DNA and restoring Angelic DNA in order to our original Blueprint.
- Psycho-pump: A psycho-pump is a powerful technique, involving a guide whose primary function is to escort souls to the afterlife, but they can also serve as a guide through the various transitions of life and the planet. The term originates from the Greek words pompos (conductor or guide) and psyche (breath, life, soul, or mind).
- The Rite of passage: working with death and dying.
- Shamanic Art: Shamans create art in order to maintain equilibrium, Both physical and metaphysical,