upcoming events...
"Such a deep powerful, love filled and conscious offering. You guys are so talented and amazing with what you offer. It was really wonderful and so perfect for where I am at, at the moment. Deeply appreciate your gifts." Azriel attended our Quarterly Solstice/Equinox 3hr event. "Thank you for holding such an amazing space with Matty. I had the most incredible journey. I have never been so deep into my true being and to see where all my thoughts were coming from was inspiring. I can see my path unfolding even though sometimes I think and feel like I am not getting anywhere. thank you!." Steve Pilcher came to a 3hr Sound Healing and Yin workshop "Seriya brings lightness to her classes. She is so in tune with each student, and able to give them gentle touch and care during the class. She holds space for what is present, allows it to flow with loving acceptance. She also sometimes does a funny Indian accent." Melissa Baker is a regular Yin Yoga student |