The days are getting longer again-and we have been so spoilt in the Byron shire with this divine sunshine!
Yet, after an emotionally challenging few weeks, I have fallen into the trap of 'doing' rather than 'being'. Recognising this pattern, I have been particularly drawn to the Yoga Sutra-Atha-Yoga is now, in the moment. Whatever is arising in our world, is another opportunity to practice presence and find contentment in the moment and situations we are given. We are so conditioned to plan our future, and 'think ahead', yet so many of us are putting unecessary pressure on ourselves to do more than what we can really give. To reach further, to be more successful, to look better, to have more. We are still fighting to let go of all of these projections which society has placed on us. Yet, these perceptions of our identity dissipate when we release our association with the past AND the future. And yoga begins now, not in the future when you think you are going to be happy and your life will be perfect. "The past gives us an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation in whatever form, but both are illusions"-Eckhart Tolle.
Lately, I have been trying to 'book myself in' for my Yoga practice. But I also need to remind myself that Yoga is not just the asanas. Yoga does not begin when you are ready to find time on the mat, Yoga begins when it is not easy, but when it is hard. It does not begin when you want to be more flexible or stronger, or when you want to get out of a pose, or when you want to lose weight or when you want to quit. Atha, is now, not later. Contentment is now. Now means taking the good with the bad. Now is the journey. Now you are a Yogi. Come as you are, because now you are ready.
Om Shanti,
Seriya x
Chakrasana is a beautiful pose which strenthens and lengthens the vertabrae and cleanses all of the 7 chakras during the asana. Come check out the Yoga Classes in Mullum!