Have you ever had a deep knowing that plants were sentient beings? That we could receive and give energy and messages with them? Being in nature rejuvenates our soul, refilling our cups with more chi/prana/life force. Working with the music of the plants has taken my connection to the plant world even deeper as we now have the technology to tangibly hear the plants responses to certain situations or environments. Paradigm shifting concept. To see a YouTube clip learning more about how this works visit my website www.akshayahealing.com OR come visit @crystalcastlebyronbay today at 1.30 for a live presentation. We are amongst so many beings every moment of the day. Let's acknowledge them for all that they offer us! Namaste. * photo taken at our last Glamping yoga retreat combining yoga in nature to really recharge! #meditate #musicoftheplants #dreams #plant #sentient #spirit #growth #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaretreat #peace #believe #technology #learning #byronbay #byronretreat