This cancer new moon energy is magically big! We will be delving into it in tonight's Yin class 5.20@ Yogapeace. But until then here is mystic mamas insights... This Cancer New Moon offers us a chance to re-birth our emotional body. What do you desire to feel about yourself and your life?
“Can all of us give birth to a new emotional body, the grown-up, responsible, adult body that listens to its emotions, acknowledges them as valid feelings, which in turn tells us what we need to do to prosper in the world?”
“…Just as our mothers were the womb of our ‘being and becoming’, so too is the Moon Mother the womb of our collective ‘becoming’.
Watch for moodiness, with holding, evasiveness, insecurity, self-pity that suggests there’s a logjam in the emotional arteries that needs to be expressed.
“Begin to parent your self, answering your own needs for attention, love, care taking, soothing and nourishing self to restore peace and balance to your water nature.
“Draw on the powerful flow of love, nourishment and support from Pachamama, Mother Earth, Gaia and see your creativity grow, your power of receiving expand, fertility for all you are birthing manifest easily… mystic mama rox! #yinyoga #beyou #byronyoga #yogaeverydamnday #meditateeverydamnday #mantra #meditate #peace #yoga