A stunning crystal grid created by one of the goddesses at work @crystalcastlebyronbay. These stones are all soothing for the heart chakra.... and inspired me for tomorrow's YIN class where we will focus on the meridians of heart and small intestine. ❤❤According to the Daiost view- the heart encompasses virtues such as harmony, peace, joy and tranquility. 💞💞💞💞However as we manifest in our human form we acquire emotions such as nervousness, shock, anxiety and heartache. By eliminating excess nervousness in the heart meridian we can experience the energies of forgiveness balance and peace. 🌈🌈🌈 During the session tomorrow we will work with postures that help bring harmony to this meridian- physically, emotionally and mentally. With more equilibrium in these areas we can experience more peace spiritually. 🙏🙏🙏 "Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness" @dalailama Gratitude! 🌈🌈🌈 5.30pm @Satnaminstitute Mullumbimby. #yin #yoga #meridians #heart #smallintestine #balance #love #peace #chi #yogaeverydamnday