International women's day is an opportunity for us to honour the feminine energies in our lives... The last few weeks I have had so many women's events - running blessing ways for clients and girlfriends, women's circles, surrounded by my amazing female clients in sessions, my best friends wedding, and about to to run a retreat with 15 amazing women who We feel honored to have joining us for 4 days of nurturing. The energy is sooo present! On this day I honour all of you and everything you teach me and bring into my life. I honor my mother and grandmothers. My blood sister and soul sisters. And all women- not only the ones who have entered my life in a tangible way but the ones who I still feel connected to because being woman is something that bonds us. A deep knowing that we have stepped into this earth to walk a path of freedom, vulnerability and connection. Aho! #internationalwomensday #internationallove #womenscircle #womensretreat #truth #yogaeverydamnday #peace