Come and do some yin tonight in Mullum! I used to be a strong hatha girl, pushing and striving to have the best looking headstand so my teacher would not have to adjust me in the class. I still LOVe doing head stands as they feel so yummy. But yin is just a whole other world that totally supports my feminine. Allowing me to go inwards and nurture myself. It's a deep practice that gives us space to look at our emotional body and mind. I love it. I'm a Huge yin fan. I completed my yin training with @theyinspace a couple of years ago. For the month of September I am wanting to share more yin in the world! Come to my class this month and if you bring a friend you can practice for free. Just test it out. See if it resonates. May see you @5.30 yoga peace Mullumbimby for the 1.5hr dive into yin yoga. Xxx ps. Pic of partner perfecting his beach headstand in the spring air! #thankyouuniverse #yin #yogastudent #yogamat #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #metime #meditateeverydamnday #grounding #meditative #student #beachyoga #classspecial #mullumbimby #mullumyoga @rainbow_rising_healing