Practicing Yoga in Nature feels sooo good!!! Walking in the forest gives us that incredible sense of revitalization. Why? What is it about being surrounded by trees, plants, and animals that fill us up? Prana! Chi. It's everywhere, but when we are with sentient beings that are so pure in their essence like animals and plants- we truly feel it! Finally, technology has caught up with this concept and it just inspired me so much to share this with people. The Music of the Plants is a powerful paradigm shifting offering which really confirms what so many of us already feel. Plants are sentient! I love this work. Merging it with Yoga to take us deeper inwards has been so big in my practice which is why I want to offer it out there to all of you. Sydney- I will be down soon offering this workshop on June 18th 1-4pm @yogatimebondi. Visit my website to book you place now as space limited. Let's Yin physically and internally with the plants!!! To hear about how it has shifted me here is the video link. see you all soon... #yin #yogaeverydamnday #meditate #meditateeverydamnday #yogawiththeplants @crystalcastlebyronbay #heartcentre #sentient #natureyoga #yin #yogabliss #plantmedicine #mantra